Archives for A17

Radio Nepal Summer 2017 Schedule

Radio Nepal Summer 2017Radio Nepal, the state owned broadcasting station disclosed Radio Nepal Summer 2017 schedule (A17).

Following table shows the details of Radio Nepal Summer 2017 schedule (A17).

Radio Nepal Summer 2017
UTC Language Frequency (kHz)
0000 0010 Nepali 5005
0010 – 0015 Sanskrit 5005
0015 – 0215 Nepali 5005
0215 – 0230 English 5005
0230 – 0515 Nepali 5005
0230 – 0330 Nepali 5005
0330 – 0335 Newari 5005
0335 – 0515 Nepali 5005
0715 – 0815 Nepali 5005
0815 – 0830 English 5005
0830 – 1115 Nepali 5005
1115 – 1215 Nepali 5005
1215 – 1245 Maithili 5005
1245 – 1415 Nepali 5005
1415 – 1430 English 5005
1430 – 1615 Nepali 5005
1615 – 1630 Hindi 5005
1630 – 1715 Nepali 5005
2345 – 2400 Nepali 5005

More Summer Schedule 2017 | RFA A17 | KTWR A17 | RRI A17 | NHK A17 |

Radio Nepal in short:

In December 1946 Radio Nepal launched a 5 watt transmitter . In the year 1950 people from Benares, Darjeeling, Gorakhpur, Kathmandu and Kolkata caught a broadcast calling, ” Yo Nepal Projatantrant Radio Ho. Hami Biratnagar Muktimorchabat bolirahekacho”.  Officially it renamed Radio Nepal after the end of revolution and started broadcasting from April 02, 1951.

Summer Schedule Radio Free Asia A17

Radio Free Asia A17Broadcast Frequency Schedule of Radio Free Asia A17 effective from 26 March through 28 October 2017. Please note All times and dates are Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), same as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). Frequencies are in kilohertz (kHz). 1 Megahertz (MHz) is equal to 1000 kHz.

[Conversion to meter bands: Meters=300000/frequency in kHz. e.g.: 17705 kHz –> 16.9 meters]

0030-0130 UTC  12115, 15700, 17785
1230-1330 UTC 7530,  11805,  13820
1330-1400 UTC 7530,  11805,  12140
1400-1430 UTC 7530, 1180

1400-1500            FNP

1230-1330 UTC  12140
2230-2330 UTC 13740

1500-1700 UTC 1188,  5830,  7455,  11850
1700-1800 UTC 1188,  9975,  11985
1800-1900 UTC 1188,  9975,  11830
2100-2200 UTC  7460,  9700,  11945

0000-0100 UTC 15690
1100-1200 UTC 15195

0300-0400 UTC 13790,  15665,  17520,  17665
0400-0500 UTC  13790,  15615,  17520,  21505
0500-0600 UTC 13790,  15615,  17520,  21690
0600-0700 UTC 13790,  15615,  17520,  17810
1500-1600 UTC 9455,  13675,  15430
1600-1700 UTC  9910,  11610,  13570,  13675
1700-1800 UTC  9355,  9965
1800-1900 UTC 9355,  9965,  11560
1900-2000 UTC  1098,  9355,  9745
2000-2100 UTC 1098,  6080,  9355,  9745
2100-2200 UTC 1098,  7435,  9685
2300-2400 UTC 9535,  11785,  15570

0100-0200 UTC 9370,   9680,  11705,  17730 + 1 FNP
0200-0300 UTC 9370,  11705,  11745,  17730 + 1 FNP
0600-0700 UTC 15720,  21540,  21690 + 1 FNP
1000-1100 UTC 13800,  15330 + 1 FNP
1100-1200 UTC 7470,  13830,  15265 + 1 FNP
1200-1300 UTC 7470,  11540,  13830,  15265 + 1 FNP
1300-1400 UTC 7470,  11540,  13830,  15275 + 1 FNP
1500-1600 UTC 9355,  11870 + 1 FNP
2200-2300 UTC 7505,  9370 + 1 FNP
2300-2400 UTC 6075,  9555,  9875

0100-0200 UTC 9350,  9780,  11640,  11945,  15580
1600-1700 UTC  9355,  9555,  15720,  17890

1400-1430 UTC 1503,  9950,  11850
1430-1500 UTC  9950,  11850

FNP = Frequency Not Promoted

Radio Free Asia A17 QSL

If you want a QSL from Radio Free Asia, please send your Reception reports by email at [email protected] and by mail to:

Reception Reports
Radio Free Asia
2025 M. Street NW, Suite 300
Washington DC 20036
United States of America

About Radio Free Asia

“Committee for Free Asia” formed Radio Free Asia (RFA) in the 1950s. It was an organization funded as an anti-communist propaganda operation, broadcasting from RCA facilities in Manila, Philippines, and Dacca and Karachi, Pakistan (there may be other sites) until 1961. It was some offices in Tokyo. In 1971 CIA involvement in RFA ended and all responsibilities were transferred to a presidentially appointed Board for International Broadcasting (IBB)

More Summer Schedule 2017 | Nepal A17 | KTWR A17 | RRI A17 | NHK A17 |

KTWR A17 Spring/Summer Schedule

KTWR A17 ScheduleKTWR A17 Schedule is going to effective from March 26 2017. KTWR is a mighty voice for the ministries of TWR in Asia. It is broadcasting from a mountainside overlooking the Pacific Ocean on the island of Guam. KTWR has served listeners for nearly 40 years with programs in various languages. Targeting those towards China, South Asia, South East Asia, Indo-China, and Russia. KTWR using six TCI curtain antennas, beamed across borders thousands of kilometers away to reach listeners in their language.

Here is the KTWR A17 Schedule Details

Language    UTC       Days     Freq/MB  Program



Cantonese   1400-1430 Mon-Fri  9975/31  Thru the Bible
a. Mandarin    1015-1100 Mon-Fri  13710/22 Popcorn, Thru the Bible
b. Mandarin    1015-1100 Saturday 13710/22 Popcorn, Hope for Today,Macedonian Call
c. Mandarin    1030-1100 Mon-Fri  12120/25 Thru the Bible
d. Mandarin    1145-1200 Saturday 11695/25 The Word Today
e. Mandarin    1130-1200 Sunday   9910/31  The Lord’s Challenge,Macedonian Call
f. Mandarin    1100-1230 Mon-Fri  9910/31  Self Confrontation, DTA
g. Mongolian   1100-1115 Mon-Sun  12120/25 Son-Lift

Cantonese   1115-1130 Mon-Sun  12120/25 Son-Lift

Hakka       1130-1145 Mon-Sun  12120/25 Son-Lift

h. Mandarin    1145-1200 Mon-Fri  12120/25 Son-Lift
i. Mandarin    1145-1200 Mon-Fri  11695/25 Son-Lift
j. Mandarin    1130-1145 Mon-Fri  11695/25 God Remembers Them
k. Mandarin    1315-1430 Sunday   9975/31  Women of Hope, A Walk with Angels
l. Mandarin    1330-1430 Saturday 9975/31  Shepard the Lamb, A Walk with Angels
m. Mandarin    1345-1430 Mon-Fri  9975/31  Our Time

Cantonese   1315-1345 Mon-Fri  9975/31  Thru the Bible

Mandarin    1415-1430 Mon-Fri  9975/31  A Walk with Angels, A Word with You

Nosu Yi     1200-1215 Mon-Sun  11580/25 Good News for the Yi

English     1345-1415 Sunday   9975/31  Unlimited Grace


a. Korean 1345-1500 Mon-Fri  7510/41  Your Quest for God,Bible reading,TWR Seminary(LTS-Thu,WOH-Friday)
b. Korean 1345-1515 Saturday 7510/41  Teachers Institute, Bible School Basics,Truth in a Test Tube & Pray school
c. Korean 1345-1515 Sunday   7510/41  Sunday Service, The Gospel Train, Bible School Basics
English     1315-1345 Saturday 7510/41  Unlimited Grace


Japanese    1215-1245 Sunday   9900/41B Japan – Friendship Radio

South East Asia

a. English     1100-1105 Monday   11965/25 Reachng Your World
b. English     1115-1125 Tues-Fri 11965/25 Reachng Your World
c. English     1215-1240 Mon-Fri  9900/31 Running to Win
d. English     1100-1115 Tues-Fri 11965/25 Grace Notes-Tue,SFT-Wed,BFL-Thur,HFT-Fri, RYW,Running to Win
e. English     1030-1100 Sunday   11965/25 Heart of Harvest
f. English     1100-1130 Sunday   11965/25 Unlimited Grace

South Pacific
a. English     1000-1015 Saturday 11995/25 Bread of Life
b. English     1000-1025 Mon-Fri  11995/25 Running to Win, Reaching Your World
c. English     1015-1045 Saturday 11995/25 Unlimited Grace


Madurese    1000-1030 Mon-Fri  11965/25 Thru the Bible

Sundanese   1030-1100 Mon-Fri  11965/25 Thru the Bible

English     1000-1030 Sunday   11965/25 Unlimited Grace

Indonesian  1030-1100 Sunday   11965/25 Women of Hope

a. Burmese     1200-1230 Mon-Fri  12040/25 Thru the Bible
b. Burmese     1200-1230 Saturday 12040/25 Macedonian Call, The Word Today
c. Burmese     1200-1245 Sunday   12040/25 Woman of Hope, Lifeword

a. S’gaw Karen 1230-1300 Mon-Fri  12040/25 Thru the Bible
b. S’gaw Karen 1245-1300 Sunday   12040/25 The Word Today
c. S’gaw Karen 1230-1300 Saturday 12040/25 Women of Hope


a. Vietnamese  1245-1315 Mon-Fri  11580/25 Thru the Bible
b. Vietnamese  1245-1315 Saturday 11580/25 Women of Hope
c. Vietnamese  1245-1315 Sunday   11580/25 The Word Today, Truth in a Test Tube

KTWR A17 Schedule South Asia

a. Kok Borok   1230-1300 Mon-Fri  11695/25 Thru the Bible
b. Kok Borok   1245-1300 Sunday   11695/25 Discipleship Hour

Dzongkha    1230-1245 Sat-Sun  11580/25 Words of Hope
Santhali    1215-1230 Sat-Sun  11580/25 Voice of Salvation, SED

a. Hindi       1400-1415 Saturday 11695/25 Women of Hope
b. Hindi       1315-1330 Sunday   11585/25 Hindi Worship Music
c. Hindi       1315-1345 Mon-Fri  11585/25 Turning Point

Assamese    1200-1230 Mon-Fri  11695/25 Thru the Bible
Manapuri    1315-1330 Saturday 11585/25 The Word Today
Telugu      1315-1330 Sunday   11695/25 Gospel Tide

d. Hindi       1330-1345 Sunday   11585/25 SGM
Nepali      1330-1345 Saturday 11585/25 Jiwan Ko Roti
Kashmiri    1345-1400 Sat-Sun  11585/25 Words of Hope
Dogri       1345-1400 Mon-Fri  11585/25 Words of Hope
Garhwali    1400-1415 Mon-Fri  11585/25 Words of Hope

e. Hindi       1400-1430 Sat-Sun  11585/25 Words of Hope
f. Hindi       1414-1435 Mon-Fri  11585/25 Words of Hope, A Walk With You

English     1430-1500 Mon-Sat  9975/31  Your Story,RYW- Mon-Fri,TLC-Mon,SFT-Tue,BFL-Wed,Grace Notes-Thur,SFT-Fri,WWL,Inside Out-Sat

English     1230-1300 Saturday 11695/25 Heart of Harvest


DTA = Discipleship Training on the Air     TLC = The Lords Challenge
RYW = Reaching Your World                        SFT = Search for Truth
BFL = Bread of Life                                          HFT = Hope for Tomorrow
WWL = Wonderful Words of Life                  LTS = Lets talk about something
WOH = Women of Hope
KTWR A17 reception reports and QSL

More A17 Schedule:  | RRI A17 | RFA A17 |

RRI Summer Broadcasting Schedule

RRI Summer Broadcasting Schedule

RRI Summer Broadcasting Schedule

RRI Summer Broadcasting Schedule A17 frequencies are valid as of March 26, to October 28, 2017. English language program of RRI Summer Broadcasting Schedule using the following SW broadcast frequencies.

 RECEPTION AREAS            UTC                         kHz
   WESTERN EUROPE     05.30 – 06.00      7,330 (DRM);   9,620
    11.00 – 12.00  13,770 ; 15,130
    17.00 – 18.00 11,810 ; 13,660
    20.30 – 21.00 6,170 ; 9,535 (DRM)
    22.00 – 23.00  7,430 ; 9,760
   SOUTH-EAST AFRICA     11.00 – 12.00  17,670 ; 21,570
   NORTH AMERICA (East Coast)     20.30 – 21.00  9,610 ; 11,850
    00.00 – 01.00  7,375 ; 9,730
   NORTH AMERICA (West Coast)     03.00 – 04.00 7,375 ; 9,730
   JAPAN     22.00 – 23.00 7,325 ; 9,790
   INDIA + AUSTRALIA     05.30 – 06.00 17,760 ; 21,500
   INDIA     03.00 – 04.00 11,825 ; 15,220 (DRM)

English language of Radio Romania International are also available on website for Live and On Demand.

Radio Romania International (RRI)

Radio Romania International, is a Romanian radio station. The Romanian Public Radio Broadcaster (SRR) is the owner of RRI to broadcast program abroad. Radio Romania International known as Radio Bucharest up to the year 1989. The SRR produces and broadcasts programs in Romanian and other languages. The main objectives of SRR is to promote the image of Romania, and her internal and external politics for worldwide auditorium.

The first experimental radio programs broadcast from Romania for foreign listeners in 1927. It was a music program with a 200W power and operating in the 280m band. The first official broadcast in Romanian was aired on 01 November 1928, over a 400 Watt transmitter, in the 401.6 meter band. The first formal broadcasts in foreign languages of the Romanian Radio Broadcasting Corporation (SRR) were conceived in the early 1930s.

In December 1989, Radio Bucharest became Radio Romania International and the RRI services turned towards the future. Once again it going to build a bridge between Romania and the democratic world and re-establishing the link between Romanians home and abroad.

Radio Romania International was re-organized into two international stations: RRI 1 and RRI 2. RRI 1, broadcasting in Romanian round the clock, and also in the Aromanian dialect. RRI 2 – Radio Romania International, broadcasting in 10 foreign languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Serbian, Spanish, Russian and Ukrainian.

More on Radio Romania International : | RRI Quiz |

Other A17 Schedule : |RFA A17 | KTWR A17 |