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Radio Prague selected topics of compulsory primary school education in the Czech lands for May.

Czech students (Picture from Net)
The education history of Czech begins in 863 with invitation from Rastislav of Moravia. It continues to Cyril and Methodius to come to Great Moravia. Charles IV founded the first university in the central Europe in 7 April 1348. It was the biggest step in Czech’s education system.
According to school calendar, school session starts in September, a date established in around 1905, and schools break up at the end of June. It is divided into two semesters with exams at the end of each, separated by a one-day break and summer holidays. The summer holidays were not for rest and recreation of the children. It was for the necessary helping hands during harvest work.
In 1774, Compulsory primary education introduced in the Czech lands . The Habsburg Empress Maria Theresa (1740–1788) passed the law that every child between ages 6–12 is required to attend school. In 1869, compulsory education extended from six to eight years. But several changes introduced between 1945 and 1989. Primary schools use old curricula in the school year 2006-2007 for the last time. After a trial run, all schools following new courses from September 2007.
How do you know about Czech! Answer the Radio Prague May 2017 quiz and be winner of Cool prizes.
Question of Radio Prague May 2017 quiz :
Tell the name of the ruler, born 300 years ago, who introduced compulsory primary school education in the Czech lands.
Send your answer by the end of May to Radio Czech Monthly Quiz.
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