Do you like to travel and do you always take your camera with you? Then why not enter DW Viewers Video Contest. From the tip of the Zugspitze in Germany’s south to the North Sea coast,

Check-In Banner Taken from DW Web
from rain forests to megalopolises, on DW’s weekly travel magazine Check-in Nicole Frölich and Lukas Stege seek out very special destinations all around the world.
Viewers Video Contest: Your best travel videos

Picture taken from DW Viewers Video Contest Webpage.
Do you know someplace that’s really beautiful? And did you get your experiences on video? On every edition, Check-in shows a viewer’s travel video. Join in! No matter where you’ve been and what you did on vacation, send your travel video!
Win a DW travel backpack and beach towel!
Send your video and impress the jury of DW. The three best entries will be rewarded with a DW travel backpack complete with a beach towel, headset and waterproof Bluetooth loudspeakers!
In addition, you’ll get the chance to see your travel video on an edition of Check-in worldwide. So be a part of DW program “Check-In”!
Rules of the Viewers Video Contest
- All entries we receive by August 27th, 2017.
- DW jury will select three best videos.
- You must have filmed your video clip (size up to 180 MB) with a smartphone, video camera or camera yourself.
- It should be at least one minute in length.
- Please do not add any inserts to your video. Should you use music.
- Please be sure to name the title of the song and who its by.
- And write a short description which holiday destination you visited in this video and why it was worth the trip.
Prizes :
You have a chance to win a DW-travel backpack including a beach towel, headphones, and water resistant Bluetooth-loudspeaker. The backpack will be a trusted companion on your future travels around the world.
To Take part Visit : DW Viewers Video Contest.
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