
স্মৃতিপটে Radio Ukraine International ও Radio Kiev

Radio Ukraine InternationalRadio Ukraine International ইউক্রেনের জাতীয় সমপ্রচার সেবা। National Radio Company of Ukraine (NRCU) এর অংশ হিসেবে এটি ইউ্ক্রেনের কন্ঠস্বর হয়ে ইউক্রেন তথা সারা বিশ্বে বেতার সেবা পৌছে দিচ্ছে। রাজধানী কিয়েভ (Kyiv) এর হৃদয় প্রচারিত হয় RUIএর অনুষ্ঠান। ৬০এর ও বেশী প্রশিক্ষিত বেতার কর্মীর নিরলস প্রচেষ্টার ফল এ বেতার সম্প্রচার।

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Mogolia Visit 2017: Day 5 – Tumen Ekh

This is the story of my last Mongolia visit from 09-17 November 2017. As I landed Mongolia on November 10, 2017 it was minus 9 degree Celsius. November 14, 2017 was my fifth day of the tour. I got a chance to visit Tumen Ekh.

Tumen Ekh – Mogolia visit Day 5:

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5G radio broadcasts : What is the future?

5G radio broadcasts5G radio broadcasts : What is the future? Interesting article that I found in WorldDAB Eureka. Is it Mobile network will be more expensive for internet radio? Or it is a propaganda from the DAB Group. Let’s read the feature to discover more on 5G the future for radio.

Please note 5G radio broadcasts : What is the future? is nothing from my side, only from WorldDAB Eureka. Visit WorldDAB Eureka to learn more.

5G radio broadcasts : What is the future? 

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Radio Belarus Arabic Service starting today

Radio Belarus Arabic ServiceRadio Belarus International starts new language. Radio Belarus Arabic Service is starting today. From 1 October 2017, Arabic Service added as ninth language into their broadcasting bucket.

Radio Belarus International broadcasts in eight languages:

  1. Belorussian (11 May 1962);
  2. Russian (1988);
  3. English (January 1988);
  4. German (1985);
  5. Polish (2006);
  6. French (2010);
  7. Spanish (2010) and
  8. Chinese (2012).
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Bengali Program Guide of Radio Veritas Asia

 Bengali Program GuideRadio Veritas Asia, have a plan to leave shortwave shortly. Bengali Program Guide of Radio Veritas Asia is an advane steps to preserve the history of RVA.
Before saying GOOD BYE by RVA, Here the latest Bengali Program guide of Radio Veritas Asia.

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