DAB Workshop at Amman Jordan 23-24 August 2017
Jordan Radio and Television Corporation (JRTV) and the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of Jordan (TRC) going to host a two-day DAB Workshop at Amman Jordan, jointly with WorldDAB and Arab States Broadcasting Union (ASBU) from 23 to 24 August 2017.
The workshop will showcase the DAB+ standard, look at DAB+ features and efficiency improvements compared to analogue FM broadcasting and will focus also on policy, regulation and system planning.
Digital Radio across the Arab States
WorldDAB has seen growing interest in digital radio across the Arab States including Kuwait, Tunisia, Qatar, Bahrain and UAE. Statistic are:
- Kuwait has regular DAB+ services on air, covering 90% of the population
- Tunisia and Qatar are trialling DAB+ and there is strong interest in Algeria
- The UAE is working towards a commercial launch of DAB+ in 2018
- Bahrain has a DAB+ trial on air, with 40% geographic coverage
A selection of JRTV and commercial radio stations will be on-air on DAB+ at the time of the workshop. Also permitting participants to experience DAB+ first hand. WorldDAB members GatesAir and Factum Radioscape have provided equipment for the demonstration.
The ASBU has recommended members adopt DAB+ as the delivery platform for broadcast radio. Broadcasters in the region are becoming more aware of the opportunities presented by DAB+ digital radio – offering increased spectrum efficiency, lower distribution costs, and more choice for radio listeners.
More on : WorldDAB Eureka
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