Radio Romania International 2017 Contest

Radio Romania International 2017 ContestRadio Romania International 2017 Contest announces. The 2017 “George Enescu” International Festival is the Tag line of this years quiz. After a break yesterday Radio Romania International announces this contest for 2017.

RRI resumes the series of prize winning contests and invites you to take part in a new quiz, called “The 2017 George Enescu International Festival”. The 2017 George Enescu Festival brings to Romania more than 3,000 of the best Romanian and foreign artists, in nearly 125 events.

Radio Romania International 2017 Contest 


  1. Which edition of the George Enescu International Festival is held in 2017?
  2. Who are the artistic director and the honorary president of the 2017 edition?
  3. How many artists are taking part in this year’s edition of the George Enescu Festival?
  4. In how many cities does the 2017 George Enescu Festival take place?
  5. Explain what prompted you to participate in the contest. And why you listen to RRI’s broadcasts and follow RRI’s content online.


CDs with Romanian and foreign classical music, as well as other promotional items. Please note this contest  jointly organized with the Bucharest City Hall, the Nicolae Tonitza Fine Arts High School and Casa Radio Publishers.

Deadline and Address

September 30, 2017, mailing date (September 30, midnight, Romanian time, for online participants). Send your entry to

Radio Romania International,
60-64 G-ral Berthelot Street, District 1,
Bucharest, PO Box 111, zip code 010165,
fax, e-mail: [email protected].

“The 2017 George Enescu International Festival”

George Enescu International Festival and Competition was established in 1958, to the recognition towards its genius, to commemorate the life and creation of the great Romanian composer. The official opening day of the festival took place on September 4th 1958, merely three years after George Enescu’s passing. In 2017 for the first time, music lovers will be able to enjoy the new concept underlying the “21st Century Music” series, which brings to the Radio concert hall major contemporary works in novel approaches.

From September 2 to 24, Bucharest and 7 other Romanian cities are hosting the 23rd edition of the George Enescu International Festival, named after the greatest Romanian composer of all times. The honorary president of the Festival is the famous conductor Zubin Mehta. The Artistic Director is another famed conductor, Vladimir Jurowski. The 2017 George Enescu Festival brings to Romania more than 3,000 of the best Romanian and foreign artists, in nearly 125 events.



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